Abalone Sea Wash Wall Installation by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Abalone Sea Wash Wall Installation is in verre églomisé reverse glass. Emma and Tobias apply high carat gold, silver or…
Bronze Works by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Bronze Works by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Please contact your Studio Van den Akker sales representative for information on creating…
Decorative Elements by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Decorative Elements by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Please contact your Studio Van den Akker sales representative for information on creating…
Evening Swallows Bas Relief by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Evening Swallows bas relief by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Each piece is custom-designed for your space using plaster, bronze, other…
Feather Bas Relief by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Feather Bas Relief by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Please contact your Studio Van den Akker sales representative for information on…
Installations by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Peascod’s verre églomisé pieces are available for interior and architectural applications. Bespoke works are developed and executed in accordance to…
Translucent Works by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Translucent Works by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Please contact your Studio Van den Akker sales representative for information on creating…
Verre Eglomise by Emma and Tobias Peascod
Verre Eglomise by Emma and Tobias Peascod. Please contact your Studio Van den Akker sales representative for information on creating…